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Kai throat spray (child type)

This is a child medication, this product is spray, the content is light brown to brown liquid; sweet, slightly bitter, slightly numb, have Mint's cool feeling. It is mainly used for clearing away heat and detoxification, detumescence and pain relief. For acute and chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sore throat, stomatitis, gingival swelling and pain.

Detailed introduction

[product category] the national medical insurance catalog varieties, multi provincial basic drug supplement, exclusive.

[ingredients] eight claw dragon, Sophora tonkinensis, cicada ecdysis, menthol.

[product properties] this product is spray, the content is light brown to brown liquid; sweet, slightly bitter, slightly numb, have Mint's cool feeling.

[function indications] heat clearing and detoxification, detumescence and pain relief. For acute and chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sore throat, stomatitis, gingival swelling and pain.

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